One of the most common inflammatory diseases! Sinusitis. In which inflammation of one or more nasal sinuses occurs. The symptoms are; nasal congestion, pain in the frontal region, as well as in the eyes and cheeks.
What is a sinus infection?
Definitely, the occurrence of all nasal infections occurs due to inflammation of the nasal sinuses. More specifically, the mucous membrane that lines the sinuses becomes inflamed. This inflammation is called Sinusitis! If this infection or sinusitis is not completely treated, then it can become chronic. The average duration of the disease lasts no more than two weeks. Acute sinusitis is usually preceded by a runny nose in most cases. In particular, when the mucous membrane swells, the secretion of fluid from the sinuses stops. As a result, microbes multiply and the inflammatory process begins.
The main symptoms of sinusitis are;
However, together with the same allergic and viral diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Namely, colds and flu. One of the most common diseases is sinusitis.
Sinusitis and its main symptoms:
1. Nasal congestion.
2. Purulent nasal discharge.
3. Pain, feeling of pressure in the forehead, eyes. 4. Impaired taste or smell
Symptoms that accompany them;
- Fatigue, general feeling of malaise. 2. Dizziness.
3. Headache.
4. High temperature.
5. Cough.
6. Bad breath.
7. Toothache (due to inflammation of the maxillary sinus).
Chronic sinusitis, main;
With chronic sinusitis, the symptoms are not particularly pronounced. But in acute sinusitis, they are most pronounced.
Symptoms of chronic sinusitis: 1. Swelling of the nasal mucosa.
2. Difficulty in nasal breathing.
3. Runny nose. Impaired sense of smell. It is generally accepted that this is mainly fatigue and low performance. Collectively, headaches, toothaches, a feeling of pressure on the face and fever may appear.
Diagnosis: acute sinusitis;
As a phenomenon, acute sinusitis appears with a cold.
Signs of acute sinusitis:
- Increased formation of purulent nasal discharge. 2. Feeling of pain and pressure in the forehead and eyes.
3. Increased discomfort when bending, jumping or coughing.
4. Fever.
5. Difficulty in nasal breathing.
6. Feeling of nasal congestion.
7. Decreased sense of smell and taste.
8. For severe sinusitis: swelling in the face.Providing first aid in case of;
In what case should you urgently seek help from a doctor? With the following manifestations of the disease;
1. Nosebleed.
2. Severe pain.
3. Visible swelling of the face.
4. Vision problems.
5. Impaired eye mobility.
6. Facial asymmetry.